Final Part 1 of 2
Overall during my time in New Media class, I like being able to use the computer. I like doing some of the quotes. I like how this is a pretty easy class. But I don't like doing the reflection on some of the quotes because most of the time its pretty much the same quote we did the last time, but in different words. One thing about this class is we need quotes that teaches us a different lesson, not the same one over and over again that's just in different words.I really did tried my best in this class. I try to be committed to being a CTR. But sometimes it's hard for me to do so when someone else is being annoying to me.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
In the beginning of our IDP we were having trouble figuring out what we need to do. Halfway through the due date of the IDP we were at least 85% finish and we just needed to make a creative component and edit out Power Point a bit. Around the end we were having trouble memorizing what to say during our presentation and all of us got pretty nervous when we were presenting. My part of the IDP was the description and definition, and I learned a lot of things about the disease I was researching, now I know how to avoid cirrhosis.
"Always do right." Mark Twain
What this quote is simply saying is that just do what's right. Never do something that can harm someone for no good reason. Examples like don't break the law. Don't hurt someone physically or emotionally. You should also listen to your parents. Be careful about everything you do. If you're being pressured by people to do something you know it's wrong, don't do it. Everything you do, has a good or bad consequence.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."- Evan Stephens
What this quote is saying is that you don't need to fear if you are always doing what's right. If you do wrong, you will feel fear of being caught. For example, doing wrong like breaking something will have you feel nervous of what's gonna happen next. If you break a law, you will fear of being arrested. Anything bad thing you do, you will most likely have fear of being caught or punished. But if you do good, you won't have to live in fear. For example if you follow the law, you won't have the fear of being punished. If you're careful of what you do, you have the fear of anything bad happening to you.
What this quote is saying is that you don't need to fear if you are always doing what's right. If you do wrong, you will feel fear of being caught. For example, doing wrong like breaking something will have you feel nervous of what's gonna happen next. If you break a law, you will fear of being arrested. Anything bad thing you do, you will most likely have fear of being caught or punished. But if you do good, you won't have to live in fear. For example if you follow the law, you won't have the fear of being punished. If you're careful of what you do, you have the fear of anything bad happening to you.

Monday, December 7, 2015
1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
"If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail."- Lou Holtz
What this quote is saying if you're doing all of this then you can't fail. For example, trust is one of the important thing in life. For question number 1, its important for people to trust you to do the right thing. Another example is important to have good commitment. For question number 2 it wants you to have commitment to do your very best. Last example, it's important to treat people to have them treat the same to you. All of these questions is trying to remind you to do what you need to do.
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
"If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail."- Lou Holtz
What this quote is saying if you're doing all of this then you can't fail. For example, trust is one of the important thing in life. For question number 1, its important for people to trust you to do the right thing. Another example is important to have good commitment. For question number 2 it wants you to have commitment to do your very best. Last example, it's important to treat people to have them treat the same to you. All of these questions is trying to remind you to do what you need to do.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." - President John F. Kennedy
John F. Kenndy is saying fitness is not the only key to a healthy body. He is saying be also smart and energetic. For example, being very fit can be good for you in some situations. But sometimes it won't help you understand things around you. Like knowing how the world is working around you. Knowing simple things like science or History. Know how to read is very important in life.
John F. Kenndy is saying fitness is not the only key to a healthy body. He is saying be also smart and energetic. For example, being very fit can be good for you in some situations. But sometimes it won't help you understand things around you. Like knowing how the world is working around you. Knowing simple things like science or History. Know how to read is very important in life.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
"Kindness is the essence of greatness." Joseph B. Wirthlin
What this quote is saying is that kindness is what a great person gives. This is also saying kindness is what makes a great person. For example, a person that gives money to a homeless shows he is a kind person. At the same time the homeless person will appreciated what he has and sometimes use the money to help feed his other homeless friends. Another example is when a person helps another person with a task they're having problem with. Sometimes people will help volunteer others for no reason, that is what also shows they're a great person
What this quote is saying is that kindness is what a great person gives. This is also saying kindness is what makes a great person. For example, a person that gives money to a homeless shows he is a kind person. At the same time the homeless person will appreciated what he has and sometimes use the money to help feed his other homeless friends. Another example is when a person helps another person with a task they're having problem with. Sometimes people will help volunteer others for no reason, that is what also shows they're a great person
Friday, November 20, 2015
"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, Never excuse yourself." - Henry Ward Beecher
What this quote is saying you should give yourself a higher standard that anyone else expects of you. This quote also wants you to never excuse yourself for something. For example, do things that you won't usually do. If people think that you're lazy, prove them wrong. If people think you're a bad person, prove them wrong. If people think you can't take care of yourself, prove them wrong too. Another example is not to blame others. If you had a responsibility and you messed up, don't try to blame someone else when you can.
What this quote is saying you should give yourself a higher standard that anyone else expects of you. This quote also wants you to never excuse yourself for something. For example, do things that you won't usually do. If people think that you're lazy, prove them wrong. If people think you're a bad person, prove them wrong. If people think you can't take care of yourself, prove them wrong too. Another example is not to blame others. If you had a responsibility and you messed up, don't try to blame someone else when you can.
Thanks giving
You already know that on Thanksgiving, it's a day for being grateful of what you have. You also already know that a lot of things people do on Thanksgiving is watch football, or have family reunions, roasted turkey with stuffing, and pumpkin pie. But some of you don't know how it exactly started, Thanksgiving started when the Pilgrims meet the Wampanoag. Giving thanks for the creator's gifts was a daily thing for Wampanoag. Since ancient times Native people of North America held ceremonies to give thanks for successful harvests and for having the fortune for being born. While the Pilgrims on the other hand do the same thing, but all of them get together and have a big feast and pray. Ever since the Pilgrims and Wampanoag meet, Thanksgiving has been a blend of both traditions.
Things I am grateful for
You already know that on Thanksgiving, it's a day for being grateful of what you have. You also already know that a lot of things people do on Thanksgiving is watch football, or have family reunions, roasted turkey with stuffing, and pumpkin pie. But some of you don't know how it exactly started, Thanksgiving started when the Pilgrims meet the Wampanoag. Giving thanks for the creator's gifts was a daily thing for Wampanoag. Since ancient times Native people of North America held ceremonies to give thanks for successful harvests and for having the fortune for being born. While the Pilgrims on the other hand do the same thing, but all of them get together and have a big feast and pray. Ever since the Pilgrims and Wampanoag meet, Thanksgiving has been a blend of both traditions.
Things I am grateful for
- Being Alive
- Having a home
- Having my parents
- Having electronics
- Having a bed
- Having to have food and water everyday
- For having some friends
- Having a place to sleep
- Having clean clothes
- Having pets
- Having video games
- Having someone to care for me
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it"- Marcus Aurelius
What this quote is saying is to not lie and do wrong. For example, this quote is saying if you know what you are planning to do is wrong, don't do it. Anything that is stealing, hurting, or that can harm others in any way, you shouldn't do it. Another thing that this quote is saying not to lie because it might hurt others or yourself. A example to this is if you lie to get others in trouble, making them feel bad, or other things is something you shouldn't do. Even lying can get yourself into trouble. Example to this is lying to the police, teachers, and your parents.
What this quote is saying is to not lie and do wrong. For example, this quote is saying if you know what you are planning to do is wrong, don't do it. Anything that is stealing, hurting, or that can harm others in any way, you shouldn't do it. Another thing that this quote is saying not to lie because it might hurt others or yourself. A example to this is if you lie to get others in trouble, making them feel bad, or other things is something you shouldn't do. Even lying can get yourself into trouble. Example to this is lying to the police, teachers, and your parents.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
"Doing what is right,fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing." - Chick Moorman
What this quote is saying is that doing good is better than winning or losing something. For example, cheating is completely bad in sports, and there is a high risk you will get caught. A lot of people will hate you because you didn't win fairly. If you get caught cheating, then you might not be able to join a official sport team anymore. If you actually play the game fairly, more people will recognized you as something good and not bad. When you start to play fairly, people will want you to be in their team. A lot of people will look up to you, if you're a honorable person.
What this quote is saying is that doing good is better than winning or losing something. For example, cheating is completely bad in sports, and there is a high risk you will get caught. A lot of people will hate you because you didn't win fairly. If you get caught cheating, then you might not be able to join a official sport team anymore. If you actually play the game fairly, more people will recognized you as something good and not bad. When you start to play fairly, people will want you to be in their team. A lot of people will look up to you, if you're a honorable person.
Duties and responsibilities: they are physicians trained in
a variety of cancer diagnostic and treatment procedures, such as chemotherapy
and radiation therapy.
Salary : $222,809-$351,598.
Education requirements: completion of a bachelor's degree
program, particularly one that includes coursework in the biological and
chemical sciences, is the first step in becoming an oncologist.
Reflection: I don’t think I want to become a oncologist. I
think I won’t do well in duties of a oncologist. I think the education
requirements seem hard to get.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
"1. Have the courage to say no
2. Have the courage to face the truth
3. Do the right thing because it is right
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." - W. Clement Stone
What this quote is saying is doing these steps can help you live safely. For example, for step 1 you need to say no because a lot of people will ask you to do something dangerous. A example of step 1 is when people might ask you to do drugs with them and you should say no because you don't know what you guys might do while high. For step 2, sometimes it's better to tell the truth than keep lying. A example of this is when you get caught by cops for breaking the law, lying will make the case worse than it is. For step 3, it's obvious you always need to do the right thing. The reason why you should do the right thing is because it can mean so much to the person you helped and it gives you a sense of accomplishment and goodness,
2. Have the courage to face the truth
3. Do the right thing because it is right
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." - W. Clement Stone
What this quote is saying is doing these steps can help you live safely. For example, for step 1 you need to say no because a lot of people will ask you to do something dangerous. A example of step 1 is when people might ask you to do drugs with them and you should say no because you don't know what you guys might do while high. For step 2, sometimes it's better to tell the truth than keep lying. A example of this is when you get caught by cops for breaking the law, lying will make the case worse than it is. For step 3, it's obvious you always need to do the right thing. The reason why you should do the right thing is because it can mean so much to the person you helped and it gives you a sense of accomplishment and goodness,
Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:
These librarians are in charge of arranging and distributing clinical,
scientific, and biomedical information for texts, journals, and electronic
Salary: $58,000-$86,320
Education requirements: Students
must graduate from high school, taking classes such as English, math, typing,
and science. A four-year bachelor's degree is then required, including courses
such as science and computer science. A master's degree in library science (MLS)
is mandatory.
Reflection: I think I don’t want
to become a health science librarian. I don’t think I’ll do well in the duties
of a health science librarian. The education requirement seems hard to obtain.
I think the salary isn’t good enough.
Monday, November 9, 2015
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"-Proverbs 13:20
What this quote is saying depending on the group you stick around with will effect who you are. For example, hanging around people who keep themselves safe and not do anything dangerous, it will most likely make you a cautious person. But if you hang out with a group of who like to do dangerous things, it will most likely make you a reckless person. Another example is the people who keep themselves safe, like not doing drugs, stealing, drinking, will keep you safe. But if you hang around those people who do dangerous stuff like doing drugs, hang out very late at night, stealing, and drinking will most likely make you do this stuff. Remember not to hang around the wrong people because they most likely bring you harm.
What this quote is saying depending on the group you stick around with will effect who you are. For example, hanging around people who keep themselves safe and not do anything dangerous, it will most likely make you a cautious person. But if you hang out with a group of who like to do dangerous things, it will most likely make you a reckless person. Another example is the people who keep themselves safe, like not doing drugs, stealing, drinking, will keep you safe. But if you hang around those people who do dangerous stuff like doing drugs, hang out very late at night, stealing, and drinking will most likely make you do this stuff. Remember not to hang around the wrong people because they most likely bring you harm.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a public holiday held for the anniversary
for the end of World War 1. Veterans Day is a day to honor all US veterans and
victims of all wars. It’s important to show honor is because so many people
fought in the war and may have gotten seriously injured physically or mentally to help save America and a lot of them are still alive today.
Veterans Day is held on November 11. Some ways to show appreciation is to show up
to a parade near your area or donate or just fly a flag correctly, write a letter to them, ask them about their service, visit a VA hospital, go outdoors with a veteran or just simply say thank you for all they've done.
In honor for Veterans, Restaurants will give them a big
discount or free meals to thank them
Reflection: I feel that it was a good thing they made a day to honor the veterans that help protect this country. I think its important we show our appreciation to them for all their hard work. We also especially need to help those veterans who are in therapy.
Reflection: I feel that it was a good thing they made a day to honor the veterans that help protect this country. I think its important we show our appreciation to them for all their hard work. We also especially need to help those veterans who are in therapy.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
"The best recreation is to do good"- William Penn
Recreation is a activity that is done for enjoyment. William is saying that doing something good is the best recreation. For example, what you can do is help out others. When you help out others, it will give you a sense of a good sensation. Another example, you can help out the community. Not only you help out more people, you also help yourself live in a better and safe environment.
Recreation is a activity that is done for enjoyment. William is saying that doing something good is the best recreation. For example, what you can do is help out others. When you help out others, it will give you a sense of a good sensation. Another example, you can help out the community. Not only you help out more people, you also help yourself live in a better and safe environment.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"-William Penn
What this quote is saying if you know it's right and even if everyone doesn't agree, then do it either way, and if you know it's wrong and even if everyone is on board with it,then just don't do it when you know its wrong. I think a lot of kids nowadays will get in trouble because of their friends or who ever it is they hang out with. For example, kids will get in trouble because they were being pressured to do things, like ditching school. Kids will be pressured to throw stuff at others. Sometimes they will be even pressured to steal stuff from the school. They will sometimes will pick on others because their friends are telling him/her to do it. Most of the time the kids will be pressured to do something that will get him/her hurt really badly or bad for his/her health, like jumping school fences or smoking. But sometimes you must know when to start saying no when it comes to peer pressure because one day you might do something that will end up really bad.
What this quote is saying if you know it's right and even if everyone doesn't agree, then do it either way, and if you know it's wrong and even if everyone is on board with it,then just don't do it when you know its wrong. I think a lot of kids nowadays will get in trouble because of their friends or who ever it is they hang out with. For example, kids will get in trouble because they were being pressured to do things, like ditching school. Kids will be pressured to throw stuff at others. Sometimes they will be even pressured to steal stuff from the school. They will sometimes will pick on others because their friends are telling him/her to do it. Most of the time the kids will be pressured to do something that will get him/her hurt really badly or bad for his/her health, like jumping school fences or smoking. But sometimes you must know when to start saying no when it comes to peer pressure because one day you might do something that will end up really bad.
Friday, October 30, 2015
and responsibilities: Game developers design and create
video games for computers and video game consoles. They are involved in the
conception as well as the execution of the game creation. While education
requirements vary based on employers, many prospective game developers seek a
bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering or a related field.
Salary: Average $83,060
Requirements: Varies by
employer; bachelor's degree in computer-related field typical requirement
I would
like to become a game developer. Reasons why I want to become one is because it
pays well. I like to play video games a lot and became interested in making one
myself. It would be fun making a video game and having to try it out. Also the
education requirements to become a game developer doesn’t seem hard.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want the most and see it often." -Peter Vidmar
What this quote is saying is that don't give up on the thing you wanted the most. This quote is most likely referring to those people that gave up on their dream easily. For example, a lot of people gave up on their dream that they really wanted to achieve like a dream job or work at/make a company. But then they do something else they never wanted to do, like a dangerous job or working at a really bad company. What Peter is trying to say is to not give up and try what ever you can to achieve that dream.
What this quote is saying is that don't give up on the thing you wanted the most. This quote is most likely referring to those people that gave up on their dream easily. For example, a lot of people gave up on their dream that they really wanted to achieve like a dream job or work at/make a company. But then they do something else they never wanted to do, like a dangerous job or working at a really bad company. What Peter is trying to say is to not give up and try what ever you can to achieve that dream.
Health Educator
and responsibilities:
Provide and manage health
education programs that help individuals, families, and their communities
maximize and maintain healthy lifestyles. Collect and analyze data to identify
community needs prior to planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating
programs designed to encourage healthy lifestyles, policies, and environments.
: $67,677
requirements: Health
educators need a bachelor’s degree. A lot of employers require the Certified Health
Education Specialist (CHES) credential. Requirements for community health
workers vary, although sometimes they need a high school diploma and must
complete a brief period of on-the-job training. Some states have certification
programs for community health workers.
I don’t think I will
ever be a health educator. I don’ think I will do a good job at the duties of a
health educator. The education requirement seems kind of hard to obtain.
Monday, October 26, 2015
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." - Proverbs 22:1
What this quote is saying being a good person is most likely better than having a lot of money. For example, people will hang out with a nice person because that person is nice, but most of the time, rich people friends are just probably going after his/her money. A lot of rich people seem to have trouble with their family. The family probably fights over the money a lot. A lot of rich people go through depression. The family that becomes rich might start to act like jerks to people. Rich people will stop caring for others.
What this quote is saying being a good person is most likely better than having a lot of money. For example, people will hang out with a nice person because that person is nice, but most of the time, rich people friends are just probably going after his/her money. A lot of rich people seem to have trouble with their family. The family probably fights over the money a lot. A lot of rich people go through depression. The family that becomes rich might start to act like jerks to people. Rich people will stop caring for others.
Health Care Administrator
and Responsibilities:
health care administrators
manage the administrative tasks of hospitals, medical laboratories, physician
practices and other health care facilities.
$37,109 - $105,270
A bachelor's degree for
lower level Health care administrators and a master’s degree for the higher
level health care administrators.
I don’t think I want to
be a Health Care Administrator. One reason is because I think I won’t do a good
job at it. The job seems difficult. The education requirements might be too
hard to obtain.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"-Coach K AKA Mike Krzyewski
What this quote is trying to say is being a good person is better than anything you can achieve in this life. Just because you achieve something really hard, will mean you're a good person. For example, a lot of celebrity worked hard to get to where they are now, but a lot of those celebrity are not good people. It's because a lot of them get in trouble with the law or they do something inappropriate. Another example is when a team wins, but they were being unsportsman like the entire time.
What this quote is trying to say is being a good person is better than anything you can achieve in this life. Just because you achieve something really hard, will mean you're a good person. For example, a lot of celebrity worked hard to get to where they are now, but a lot of those celebrity are not good people. It's because a lot of them get in trouble with the law or they do something inappropriate. Another example is when a team wins, but they were being unsportsman like the entire time.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
"If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right , even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."-Thomas S. Monson
What this quote is saying you don't have to do something even if everyone is pressuring you to do it. For example, a lot of kids will get in trouble because most of the time they are hanging around with the wrong people. Bad friends will pressure the other friend to steal something from a desk or a store with them. Bad friends will pressure the other friend to throw something at the teacher. Bad friends will keep asking you to let them copy your homework when there might be a chance the teacher will notice you let him copy it. Bad friends will pressure you to ditch school with them. Bad friends will also want you sneak out of your house so you can hang out with them. Bad friends will always pressure you to do something that will most likely end up with someone getting hurt, physically or not. What Thomas is saying don't do things you know is bad even if your friends are pressuring you, and even if you stand alone there, have the courage to say no.
What this quote is saying you don't have to do something even if everyone is pressuring you to do it. For example, a lot of kids will get in trouble because most of the time they are hanging around with the wrong people. Bad friends will pressure the other friend to steal something from a desk or a store with them. Bad friends will pressure the other friend to throw something at the teacher. Bad friends will keep asking you to let them copy your homework when there might be a chance the teacher will notice you let him copy it. Bad friends will pressure you to ditch school with them. Bad friends will also want you sneak out of your house so you can hang out with them. Bad friends will always pressure you to do something that will most likely end up with someone getting hurt, physically or not. What Thomas is saying don't do things you know is bad even if your friends are pressuring you, and even if you stand alone there, have the courage to say no.
Friday, October 16, 2015
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself "- Noemi Trigueros
What this quote is saying a person who doesn't cheat is the better person.For examples who do you think is better, a person who worked hard and won a marathon/weight lifting contest or a person who barely did any work because the use of drugs made him run longer or get stronger? Another example, who do you think is better a person that study for his/her test or the person that is cheating and copying off others? Obviously the one who worked hard for it because he didn't cheat to get to where he is now. Also sooner or later the person who was using the drugs will most likely get caught and have his medals removed from him, so it isn't worth too cheat. Another reason is because it is not fair to those who actually worked hard to be beaten by someone who cheated. Also if the person who got caught using drugs might be arrested or be never allowed to play in games again.
What this quote is saying a person who doesn't cheat is the better person.For examples who do you think is better, a person who worked hard and won a marathon/weight lifting contest or a person who barely did any work because the use of drugs made him run longer or get stronger? Another example, who do you think is better a person that study for his/her test or the person that is cheating and copying off others? Obviously the one who worked hard for it because he didn't cheat to get to where he is now. Also sooner or later the person who was using the drugs will most likely get caught and have his medals removed from him, so it isn't worth too cheat. Another reason is because it is not fair to those who actually worked hard to be beaten by someone who cheated. Also if the person who got caught using drugs might be arrested or be never allowed to play in games again.
ENT Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
They have special expertise in managing diseases of the ears, nose and nasal
passage sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and
throat), as well as structures of the neck and face.
Salary: Salary range for reporting ENT positions is
$224,063 to $400,336
Education: the
educational path begins by receiving a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited
college or university. Then a four-year medical degree, followed by a five-year
ENT residency program is the primary educational requirements for a profession
as a board-certified ENT Specialist.
Reflection: I don’t think I will ever be a ENT
specialist. One reason is because it will take long to get the requirements.
Getting the requirements will be really hard. I might get a low salary. I don’t
want to be any doctor.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?"-Alan Stein
What this quote is trying to say is that success doesn't appeared out of nowhere, you worked for it. For example students who study most likely got a good grade on their quiz. People who try to lose weight by going on a diet and exercising, probably lost a lot of weight by the end of the month. People who want to get more buff by doing weight lifting, probably got more stronger muscles. People want to get into college will try to work hard in school, and they might get into college.
Monday, October 12, 2015
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block." -James E Faust
What this quote is saying is that over time you will get use to obedience. For example some kids don't listen to parents a lot, but over time that kid may began to slowly obey their parents without any problems.
What this quote is saying is that over time you will get use to obedience. For example some kids don't listen to parents a lot, but over time that kid may began to slowly obey their parents without any problems.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
"Sometimes during your lifetime some people will know you because of the good you done, but way more people will know you of little bad you have done." - Gonzalo Sandoval
What I am saying in short just because you helped someone today not everyone is gonna make a big deal about it, but when you do something bad, more people will notice. For example a person that has hurt himself and you help him, only him will know and maybe his family but no one else will cares, or when people decided to be in the army and risk their lives and not enough people thank them about it, but if you break a law it will probably go around the news and everyone will make a big fuss about it. Now I am not saying not to be a good person I am saying its better for some people to know you for the good you done than having a lot of people know you of the horrible things you have done.
What I am saying in short just because you helped someone today not everyone is gonna make a big deal about it, but when you do something bad, more people will notice. For example a person that has hurt himself and you help him, only him will know and maybe his family but no one else will cares, or when people decided to be in the army and risk their lives and not enough people thank them about it, but if you break a law it will probably go around the news and everyone will make a big fuss about it. Now I am not saying not to be a good person I am saying its better for some people to know you for the good you done than having a lot of people know you of the horrible things you have done.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
"Obedience is the primary object of all sound education." -Elizabeth Missing Sewell
What this quote is saying is that being obedient will help your education. For example: your teacher tells you too do your homework and if you don't listen it will affect your grade. If your teacher tells you too study for a test and you do, you might do good on that test. If your teacher to behave in class and you don't, it will affect your cooperation grade.
What this quote is saying is that being obedient will help your education. For example: your teacher tells you too do your homework and if you don't listen it will affect your grade. If your teacher tells you too study for a test and you do, you might do good on that test. If your teacher to behave in class and you don't, it will affect your cooperation grade.
Duties and Responsibilities: Dermatologists are physicians
who treat conditions related to the skin, though they may also treat disorders
related to the hair and nails.
Salary: $283,000
Education: College, earning a bachelor's degree. Medical
school, becoming a medical doctor (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO).
Internship, 1 year. Dermatology residency program, at least 3 years.
Reflection: I think I would like to be one but there is so
many things you need to learn before becoming one.
Friday, October 2, 2015
"Obedience is central to becoming, being and remaining happy" David Bednar
What this quote is saying is that being obedience will keep and make you happy. For example breaking the law is being disobedient and will get you arrested,which won't make you happy. Not following the rules in class is also being disobedient and you will most likely get a long while detention. Not listening to your parents will get you grounded, which will obviously not make you happy. But if you do what you're told in school or/and at home your parents or/and teachers will give you a reward or a good grade, which will make you happy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player"- John Wooden
What this quote is saying to me is that you may be good at something but that probably doesn't mean you're a good person. John Wooden thinks that a person personality is more important than a job.
What this quote is saying to me is that you may be good at something but that probably doesn't mean you're a good person. John Wooden thinks that a person personality is more important than a job.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: seating patients in the
treatment area. Passing requested
instruments to the dentist during dental procedures. Taking impressions of teeth for study models.
Exposing and developing X-rays.
Salary: $22,069 - $43,497
Education: There are no formal education requirements for
entering a career in dental assisting. Some assistants have a high school
diploma and only receive on-the-job training.
Reflection: I think I would like to become one because you
don’t need formal education requirements for entering a career in dental
assisting and the salary is good.
Monday, September 28, 2015
"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse" - Pathros
What this quote is saying to me is that people won't respect you because of your money, but of your heart. For example, some people are rich but sometimes those rich people aren't really happy on the inside. You may be rich, but people won't like you because of your attitude.
What this quote is saying to me is that people won't respect you because of your money, but of your heart. For example, some people are rich but sometimes those rich people aren't really happy on the inside. You may be rich, but people won't like you because of your attitude.
Duties and Responsibilities: educating patients on oral
healthcare. Examining teeth and diagnosing patients' dental conditions by using
tools such as x-rays.
Salary: $76,397 - $229,589
Education: Bachelor's degree prior to admission to dental school;
doctoral degree in dental medicine or dental surgery; some dental
specializations require completion of a residency
Reflection: I think I would like to become one because the
education requirements doesn’t seem that hard to get and the salary pays well.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
"Obedience sums up our entire duty"-Hosea Ballon
What this quote means to me is that obedience is the important part of our duty. Here are some examples of obedience, a P.E teacher always tell you to wear the uniform and if you don't you will get a bad grade. Your school might tell you to wear a appropriate clothing and if you don't you might get in trouble.
What this quote means to me is that obedience is the important part of our duty. Here are some examples of obedience, a P.E teacher always tell you to wear the uniform and if you don't you will get a bad grade. Your school might tell you to wear a appropriate clothing and if you don't you might get in trouble.
Monday, September 21, 2015
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad."- Abraham Lincoln
What Lincoln is trying to tell us that by doing good you will feel better about yourself and when you do bad you might regret about it later. For example when you do bad, you may have hurt someone or got them in trouble, like when you steal from the store and owner will blame a employee for not keeping his eye out and they might lose their job.Also you may have gotten in a physical fight with someone you will probably gave him a serious injury that he might not recover from.
What Lincoln is trying to tell us that by doing good you will feel better about yourself and when you do bad you might regret about it later. For example when you do bad, you may have hurt someone or got them in trouble, like when you steal from the store and owner will blame a employee for not keeping his eye out and they might lose their job.Also you may have gotten in a physical fight with someone you will probably gave him a serious injury that he might not recover from.
Duties and Responsibilities: Chiropractic
relieves pain, increases mobility and optimizes performance through safe and
effective spinal adjustments and manipulation.
Salary: 66,160 USD
Education: The typical
applicant at a chiropractic college has already acquired nearly four years of
pre-medical undergraduate college education, including courses in biology,
inorganic and organic chemistry, physics, psychology and related lab work.
Reflection: No I don’t
want to become one because you will need to learn a lot of complicated things
in nearly four years.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
"The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have." -Boyd K. Packer
What this quote is saying to me is that in life you will have to follow the rules because if you don't, some of your freedom will be taken away from you.For example if you break a law like stealing you will be sent to jail for days. If you break a serious law you will taken away to a prison and you will will most likely be there for years, and if you misbehave in prison they will put you in a more secure and alone cell which takes away more of your freedom. Another example if you don't pay attention to your parents and misbehave, you will get grounded which also takes away some of your freedom.
What this quote is saying to me is that in life you will have to follow the rules because if you don't, some of your freedom will be taken away from you.For example if you break a law like stealing you will be sent to jail for days. If you break a serious law you will taken away to a prison and you will will most likely be there for years, and if you misbehave in prison they will put you in a more secure and alone cell which takes away more of your freedom. Another example if you don't pay attention to your parents and misbehave, you will get grounded which also takes away some of your freedom.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
"Obedience is the great test of life"-Thomas S. Monson
What this quote means to me is that in life you will have to follow to rules to keep yourself safe. Here are some examples, if you break the law you may get arrested or worse. Playing with fire may end up hurting yourself or others.
What this quote means to me is that in life you will have to follow to rules to keep yourself safe. Here are some examples, if you break the law you may get arrested or worse. Playing with fire may end up hurting yourself or others.
Cardiologist Gonzalo Sandoval 9/15/15
Duties and Responsibilities: A
cardiologist is a doctor of the heart, arteries and veins.
Salary: $245,674-$383,226
Education: Doctoral
degree in medicine; completion of a residency program in internal medicine and
Reflection: I don’t think I would become one because it would be a lot of work and
medicine is hard to study.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
9/11 Gonzalo Sandoval
On September 11 Al
Qaeda terrorist boarded and hijack 3 planes with passengers and proceeded to
carry out a suicide coordinated attack on the twin towers in the World Trade
Center. The first plane arrived at 8:46 am a hijacked American airline plane
hit the north tower into the floors of 93-99 killing everyone on board and
hundreds of people in the building. At 9:03 AM the second airplane hit the
south tower and the plane hit floors 75-85 killing everyone on board and even
more on those floors. At 9:37 AM crash
into the western façade of the Pentagon in Washington D.C killing 59 on board
and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building. At 9:59 AM the
south tower begins to collapse. On the hijacked plane 93 the passengers and
crew learn about the attack attempted to try to take back the plane, but in
response the hijackers purposely crashed the plane into a field. At 10:28 AM
the north tower has now collapsed. At
the end of the day at 8:30 PM Bush returned to the white house and began to
call these attacks “evil despicable acts of terror” and declare America and its
allies would “stand together to win the
war against terrorism.”
Reflection: My thoughts about this was I couldn’t believe
the terrorist thought it would be okay to kill innocent people, the event made
me feel upset and wonder why that would happen.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Education "Education is the latch key to success in life"
Reflection: What this quote means to me is that while your in school you have to get the most out of your education because the more you know, there more choices you will get in life.
Reflection: What this quote means to me is that while your in school you have to get the most out of your education because the more you know, there more choices you will get in life.
Audiologist Gonzalo Sandoval per 3
and Responsibilities: Examine patients who have hearing,
balance, or related ear problems
Salary: $66,000
high school diploma or
equivalent, a bachelor’s degree and a doctoral degree in audiology, doctoral degree in audiology
I think I won’t like to
be one because it looks like it will be a lot of hard work
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
"Decisions Determine Destiny" Thomas S. Monson Gonzalo Sandoval
Reflection: What this quote says to me, whatever you do in life, there are some effects of it.
Example: If someone breaks the law they will most likely get in trouble for it. When someone graduate from High School it was because they worked hard for it. When someone crashes it was most likely because they were distracted. When someone loses a lot of money because they were gambling a lot. When someone hurts themselves because they were playing with something dangerous. When you get detention for being late for class. When you get sick because you do lots of unhealthy things. When you get a bad grade on your test because you decided not to study. When you get fat because you decide to eat a lot. When you are tired in the morning because you decide to go to bed late.
Reflection: What this quote says to me, whatever you do in life, there are some effects of it.
Example: If someone breaks the law they will most likely get in trouble for it. When someone graduate from High School it was because they worked hard for it. When someone crashes it was most likely because they were distracted. When someone loses a lot of money because they were gambling a lot. When someone hurts themselves because they were playing with something dangerous. When you get detention for being late for class. When you get sick because you do lots of unhealthy things. When you get a bad grade on your test because you decided not to study. When you get fat because you decide to eat a lot. When you are tired in the morning because you decide to go to bed late.
Trainer Gonzalo Sandoval Per 3
and Responsibilities: athletic trainers make sure that nobody gets hurt and
rush to aid of those who do
Salary: $30,420
- $54,880
Education: degree
from an accredited athletic training curriculum
I think I would like to become one because it does not
look very hard and it pays a lot.
Monday, August 31, 2015
I like to play video games and like to practice the guitar. One of my favorite foods are Chili cheese fries and pizza. I am always quiet and I easily get stressed. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister, I have two pet dogs. I hate being in the dark by myself. I wish I can pass High School with good grades. I also wish I can learn how to make a game and how to play a guitar properly.
Dispatcher Gonzalo Sandoval Per 3
and Responsibilities: Operate
radio, telephone, or computer equipment at emergency response centers. Receive
reports from the public of crimes, disturbances, fires, and medical or police
$22,533 - $51,701
At least a high school
I think I would like to
become one because it doesn’t seem very hard.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Acupuncture Gonzalo Sandoval per 3
and Responsibilities: Insert acupuncture needles in correct
point locations on the human body; use medical equipment; conduct patient
examinations; diagnose and treat patient according to traditional Oriental medicine
Salary: $86,720
Requirements: Master's degree or post-baccalaureate certificate from
an accredited program
I don’t think I will ever be a Acupuncture because it will be a lot of hard
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Per 3 8/21/15
Duties and Responsibilities:
Ophthalmologist are physicians who
specialize in th
e treatment of eye disorders and
diseases. They
treat vision problems and write
prescriptions for t
he both pharmaceuticals and
corrective eyeglass
lenses. When necessary, they perform
eye surgery. M
ost ophthalmologist are in private
however some are employed by
hospitals or clinics,
and others perform research.
Average Salary:
$90,000- $150,000
Educational requirements:
Only physicians may study to become
. After completing medical school
and an
internship, an ophthalmologist must
then complete a
three to five year residency in an approved
ophthalmologist program. After
completing their res
idency program they must pass an
examination to
be certified.
No I don’t think I like to be one
because It be too
much work for me.
Optician Gonzalo Sandoval per 3 8/25/15
Duties and Responsibilities:
A dispensing Optician is trained to dispense and fix spectacles and other
optical aids, working from the prescriptions written by optometrist and ophthalmologist.
Salary: 33,330 USD (2012)
Education Requirements:
A High School Diploma with on-the-job
training or apprenticeship; or certificate, associate’s degree or bachelor’s
degree in opticianry for career advancement
Reflection: I don’t think I will
ever be an optician because it will be a lot of hard work.
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