
Thursday, October 8, 2015

"Sometimes during your lifetime some people will know you because of the good you done, but way more people will know you of little bad you have done." - Gonzalo Sandoval

What I am saying in short just because you helped someone today not everyone is gonna make a big deal about it, but when you do something bad, more people will notice. For example a person that has hurt himself and you help him, only him will know and maybe his family but no one else will cares, or when people decided to be in the army and risk their lives and not enough people thank them about it, but if you break a law it will probably go around the news and everyone will make a big fuss about it. Now I am not saying not to be a good person I am saying its better for some people to know you for the good you done than having a lot of people know you of the horrible things you have done.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Very True. No one really cares if you do good smh

  3. So, to put it simply be nice and others will be nice back.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. that is very true, because no one probably wouldn't want to talk to people that are kind to everyone

  6. that is very true, because no one probably wouldn't want to talk to people that are kind to everyone
