
Friday, November 20, 2015

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, Never excuse yourself." - Henry Ward Beecher

What this quote is saying you should give yourself a higher standard that anyone else expects of you. This quote also wants you to never excuse yourself for something. For example, do things that you won't usually do. If people think that you're lazy, prove them wrong. If people think you're a bad person, prove them wrong. If people think you can't take care of yourself, prove them wrong too. Another example is not to blame others. If you had a responsibility and you messed up, don't try to blame someone else when you can.

Thanks giving

You already know that on Thanksgiving, it's a day for being grateful of what you have. You also already know that a lot of things people do on Thanksgiving is watch football, or have family reunions, roasted turkey with stuffing, and pumpkin pie. But some of you don't know how it exactly started, Thanksgiving started when the Pilgrims meet the Wampanoag. Giving thanks for the creator's gifts was a daily thing for Wampanoag. Since ancient times Native people of North America held ceremonies to give thanks for successful harvests and for having the fortune for being born. While the Pilgrims on the other hand do the same thing, but all of them get together and have a big feast and pray. Ever since the Pilgrims and Wampanoag meet, Thanksgiving has been a blend of both traditions.

Things I am grateful for

  • Being Alive
  • Having a home
  • Having my parents
  • Having electronics
  • Having a bed
  • Having to have food and water everyday
  • For having some friends
  • Having a place to sleep
  • Having clean clothes
  • Having pets
  • Having video games
  • Having someone to care for me 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it"- Marcus Aurelius

What this quote is saying is to not lie and do wrong. For example, this quote is saying if you know what you are planning to do is wrong, don't do it. Anything that is stealing, hurting, or that can harm others in any way, you shouldn't do it. Another thing that this quote is saying not to lie because it might hurt others or yourself. A example to this is if you lie to get others in trouble, making them feel bad, or other things is something you shouldn't do. Even lying can get yourself into trouble. Example to this is lying to the police, teachers, and your parents.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Doing what is right,fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing." - Chick Moorman

What this quote is saying is that doing good is better than winning or losing something. For example, cheating is completely bad in sports, and there is a high risk you will get caught. A lot of people will hate you because you didn't win fairly. If you get caught cheating, then you might not be able to join a official sport team anymore. If you actually play the game fairly, more people will recognized you as something good and not bad. When you start to play fairly, people will want you to be in their team. A lot of people will look up to you, if you're a honorable person.

Duties and responsibilities: they are physicians trained in a variety of cancer diagnostic and treatment procedures, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Salary : $222,809-$351,598.
Education requirements: completion of a bachelor's degree program, particularly one that includes coursework in the biological and chemical sciences, is the first step in becoming an oncologist.

Reflection: I don’t think I want to become a oncologist. I think I won’t do well in duties of a oncologist. I think the education requirements seem hard to get.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

"1. Have the courage to say no
 2. Have the courage to face the truth
 3. Do the right thing because it is right
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." - W. Clement Stone

What this quote is saying is doing these steps can help you live safely. For example, for step 1 you need to say no because a lot of people will ask you to do something dangerous. A example of step 1 is when people might ask you to do drugs with them and you should say no because you don't know what you guys might do while high. For step 2, sometimes it's better to tell the truth than keep lying. A example of this is when you get caught by cops for breaking the law, lying will make the case worse than it is. For step 3, it's obvious you always need to do the right thing. The reason why you should do the right thing is because it can mean so much to the person you helped and it gives you a sense of accomplishment and goodness,
Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: These librarians are in charge of arranging and distributing clinical, scientific, and biomedical information for texts, journals, and electronic databases.
Salary: $58,000-$86,320
Education requirements: Students must graduate from high school, taking classes such as English, math, typing, and science. A four-year bachelor's degree is then required, including courses such as science and computer science. A master's degree in library science (MLS) is mandatory.

Reflection: I think I don’t want to become a health science librarian. I don’t think I’ll do well in the duties of a health science librarian. The education requirement seems hard to obtain. I think the salary isn’t good enough.

Monday, November 9, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"-Proverbs 13:20

What this quote is saying depending on the group you stick around with will effect who you are. For example, hanging around people who keep themselves safe and not do anything dangerous, it will most likely make you a cautious person. But if you hang out with a group of who like to do dangerous things, it will most likely make you a reckless person. Another example is the people who keep themselves safe, like not doing drugs, stealing, drinking, will keep you safe. But if you hang around those people who do dangerous stuff like doing drugs, hang out very late at night, stealing, and drinking will most likely make you do this stuff. Remember not to hang around the wrong people because they most likely bring you harm.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a public holiday held for the anniversary for the end of World War 1. Veterans Day is a day to honor all US veterans and victims of all wars. It’s important to show honor is because so many people fought in the war and may have gotten seriously injured physically or mentally to help save America and a lot of them are still alive today. Veterans Day is held on November 11.  Some ways to show appreciation is to show up to a parade near your area or donate or just fly a flag correctly, write a letter to them, ask them about their service, visit a VA hospital, go outdoors with a veteran or just simply say thank you for all they've done. 

In honor for Veterans, Restaurants will give them a big discount or free meals to thank them

Reflection: I feel that it was a good thing they made a day to honor the veterans that help protect this country. I think its important we show our appreciation to them for all their hard work. We also especially need to help those veterans who are in therapy.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good"- William Penn

Recreation is a activity that is done for enjoyment. William is saying that doing something good is the best recreation. For example, what you can do is help out others. When you help out others, it will give you a sense of a good sensation. Another example, you can help out the community. Not only you help out more people, you also help yourself live in a better and safe environment.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"-William Penn

                                  What this quote is saying if you know it's right and even if everyone doesn't agree, then do it either way, and if you know it's wrong and even if everyone is on board with it,then just don't do it when you know its wrong. I think a lot of kids nowadays will get in trouble because of their friends or who ever it is they hang out with. For example, kids will get in trouble because they were being pressured to do things, like ditching school. Kids will be pressured to throw stuff at others. Sometimes they will be even pressured to steal stuff from the school. They will sometimes will pick on others because their friends are telling him/her to do it. Most of the time the kids will be pressured to do something that will get him/her hurt really badly or bad for his/her health, like jumping school fences or smoking. But sometimes you must know when to start saying no when it comes to peer pressure because one day you might do something that will end up really bad.